Steward Beckham

Communications Manager

Steward Beckham | LinkedIn

I grew up in Baltimore, MD long after its mid-20th century heyday, however, the city still retains its charm and flavor. In 2012, I attended the University of Maryland at College Park where I studied United States history and then went on to earn my Master of Arts at American University in Political Communications. At this time, I worked at Media Matters for America where I analyzed media narratives. After that I worked in communications at the Bank Information Center and learned about global development finance’s impact on the environment, health care, and social structures. After, I taught middle school history where I made connections for young people regarding seemingly far-off historical events and present reality.

Ask Me About

Corporate Partnerships, community engagement, social media, program requirements.

Why I Joined the Congressional Award

I believe our collective memories as youths is one of the most precious components of the human experience. I was someone who was gifted with a secure childhood that supported my curiosity and love of learning. As adults, we are responsible for the world our successor generations will inherit. I believe empowering young people through the Congressional Award is an effective way of rewarding and supporting them while giving them the opportunity to connect to historic institutions.

Program Area Highlight

Traveling often is a gift of modernity. I enjoy experiencing new places by learning the local history while exploring its unique customs. There is nothing better than a historical walking tour of a place that shows how the area has evolved.