Program Partners
Work to develop America’s young people with the Congressional Award.
Youth-focused and service organizations throughout America have recognized the potential of our young citizens when we strive to raise the bar. A partnership with The Congressional Award allows an organization’s participants to incorporate their activities into their pursuit of The Award.
Participants – find official partners of the Congressional Award below.
Please note, there are a vast number of other organizations whose activities align with our program requirements.

The Partner Toolkit is designed to support organizations wishing to offer The Congressional Award as an opportunity for their membership. Additional promotional resources are our Annual Report to Congress and Informational Presentation.

4-H is delivered by Cooperative Extension—a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing.
Kids complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country—through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4 H camps.
AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) strengthens communities and develops leaders through direct, team-based national and community service.
AmeriCorps NCCC is a full-time residential program for men and women age 18-24. Members are assigned to one of four campuses — Denver, CO; Sacramento, CA; Vicksburg, MS; and Vinton, IA.
AmeriCorps NCCC is built on the belief that civic responsibility is an inherent duty of all citizens and that national service programs work effectively with local communities to address pressing needs.

Boy Scouts of America
The Congressional Award has partnered with the Boy Scouts of America organization since 1999. The Award and the Scouts BSA program believe in the importance of giving youth the tools to become more productive members of their communities and the confidence to take control of their futures.
Both programs build future leaders by teaching valuable skills such as goal setting and providing opportunities for youth to build mentor-based relationships. The Award provides participants with a structured, yet flexible, platform to achieve personal goals. Many activities Scouts complete can be applied toward the Congressional Award.
Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts of the USA is the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs for girls from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to do something amazing.
Now 2.7 million strong – 1.9 million girls and 800,000 adults who believe girls can change the world – the Girl Scouts continue their mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Girl Scouts Toolkit Coming Soon in 2024.

Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop the global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation.
HOBY programs are conducted annually throughout the United States, serving local and international high school students selected by their schools to participate in unique leadership training, service-learning, and motivation-building exercises.
Lion's Heart Foundation
Lion’s Heart connects 6th-12th grade students with local volunteer opportunities that help them build strong communities while achieving their personal goals.
Through the Lion’s Heart Digital Portal, teens can track hours, earn leadership awards, and export their service portfolio to use on scholarship, college, and career applications. Over 10,000 teens have participated in Lion’s Heart so far and the organization continues to grow with over 275 chapters nationwide.

The Congressional Award, in partnership with the NCAA, aims to support our nation’s student-athletes and bring important discussions on mental health to the forefront.
We invite athletes to start their journey and earn Congress’ highest award for youth. As one of the pillars, The Award believes in setting challenging Physical Fitness goals to encourage youth to step – or play – out of their comfort zone. The program is ideal for student-athletes as participation on a team, club, or even independent sport can help you earn The Award.
This section features a mental health webinar featuring NCAA Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brian Hainline.

People to People International
“When we connect with people different from us, it’s easy to see that we’re not so different after all.”
PTPI creates lasting cross-cultural connections between everyday citizens around the world to help them explore global issues, serve and enrich their diverse communities, and become more effective leaders in creating a more peaceful world.
PTPI’s mission is to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural, and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures.
U.S. Air Force
The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight, and win…in air, space, and cyberspace.
Military youth are ideal candidates for The Congressional Award because they can take the program with them wherever they go.
We have partnered with the Air Force to offer The Congressional Award as a youth development tool on bases across the nation. Families and youth stationed in the U.S. or abroad can work with their youth liaison to identify activities that are eligible for the program.

Youth Service America
YSA is a resource center that partners with thousands of organizations committed to increasing the quality and quantity of volunteer opportunities for young people, ages 5-25, to serve locally, nationally, and globally.
YSA organizes large-scale mobilization campaigns like Global Youth Service Day, provides grant opportunities for youth-led service projects. YSA Learning Center equips youth and their adult mentors with high-quality, high-impact service and service-learning programs. YSA even presents awards that recognize exceptional youth and the adults who are champions of youth voice.